Christian News
John Piper: How to Live Under a Trump Presidency
"Do not think of the molehill of moral and social disadvantages of a Trump presidency. Think of the Himalayan mountain range of blessings we have in Christ."
Christian News
Retraining Our Minds on the Things of Christ: Thoughts as We Draw Closer to Inauguration Day
"Regardless of how you voted, it’s just obvious that this has had a negative impact on the reputation of Evangelicals."
Christian News
5 Scripture-Based Prayers to Pray Over the Inauguration
Although our circumstances may not line up exactly with the exiles to whom Jeremiah writes, his instruction to keep their hope and their faith in God during a very troubled time is exactly on point with what we need to be praying during this season of our own history.
Christian News
Megachurch Bishop Eddie Long Dies From Aggressive Form of Cancer
"Although his transition leaves a void for those of us who loved him dearly, we can celebrate and be happy for him, knowing he’s at peace.”
Christian News
‘Silence’ Movie Lead Andrew Garfield Prepared for Role by Finding Jesus
While his goal was simply to prepare for an acting role, Andrew Garfield ended up finding Jesus and “falling in love” with him.
Christian News
Leaving Well: 4 Leadership Lessons From President Obama’s Farewell Speech
President Obama's farewell speech can teach us all something about leaving well—whether we voted for him or not.
Christian News
Millennials at Passion 2017 Snatch Up Remaining Compassion Sponsorships in Four Countries
For a generation eager to prove themselves and change the world, impacting the lives of thousands of children for the better is right up their alley.
Christian News
Watchdog Group Lists U.S. Among ‘New and Noteworthy’ Nations Facing Persecution
"Christians in the U.S. are facing constant attacks in the media, where they are portrayed as bigoted, racist, sexist and closeminded."